Wednesday, August 14, 2019

New York City in 1854 Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

New York City in 1854 - Term Paper Example What a city! I just arrived to New York this morning; you cannot imagine the traffic and the people bustling all over the streets. I will be staying at Bixby's Hotel here in the heart of the city, on Broadway. It will cost me .50 cents a night, but that is rather affordable since breakfast is not included. I have already done some window-shopping here on Broadway, the place is covered with fashion; Tiffany & Company, Brooks Brothers, etc Fancy chandeliers, jewelry, and hand-painted china decorate the windows. Next to the hotel is the W & J Sloan Warehouse. I will be sure to take a look at their carpets, as that would be a nice gift to take back home to the family. Many of the fine ladies here wear patent leather shoes and their dresses are adorned with silk and lace. However, the workers in the shops are not as well dressed. All I see, shop after shop, are worn tired laborers, women and children included! Some of these women even offer laundry and mending services to earn extra money apart from their daily work in the shops. It is a shame. I will write more tomorrow.Day two in the big city! I did some exploring this afternoon and came across a neighborhood that is completely different than what I saw on Broadway. The streets have yet to be graded and the houses are shuttered. I saw a lovely church there, near Third Avenue; it is St. Stephen's Roman Catholic Church. All though it appears to be relatively new, the neighborhood itself portrays a different time in New York with gas lamps lining the street and it lacks the hustle and bustle of Broadway.

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